Clobberin' Time - Steve Skroce
This 2023 five-issue miniseries has the Thing teaming up with several big name Marvel stars — Wolverine, Hulk, Dr. Strange, and Dr. Doom — along with a renegade Watcher to try to stop the Psychopomp, a mad genius from the far future who wants to rebuild the universe without causal anomalies like superheroes. The fast-paced, over-the-top plot elements recall the nuttiest of Grant Morrison arcs, and the art, also by Skroce, is like Frank Quitely with a touch of Basil Wolverton or Moebius — endless tubes, wires, bolts, scratches, scales, and other such detail abound throughout. It's a high-octane, totally fun ride, and genuinely funny in parts (such as Thing's helpful earpiece which lets him spout placating gobbledygook at critics rather than losing his temper). [4]