Saturday, December 17, 2022

Edison Beaker, Creature Seeker - Frank Cammuso

Edison Beaker, Creature Seeker - Frank Cammuso

The titular Edison, whose father disappeared under mysterious circumstances, accidentally discovers that his uncle is not an exterminator but a hunter of monsters, whose realm lies beyond the "night door."  When his sister's pet hamster goes through the door, Edison and his sister go looking for him.  With the help of a special flashlight and a pugnacious elf-type girl called Knox, they try to get the door's keystone away from the evil Baron Umbra.  With slapstick action and Calvin and Hobbes-style artwork, this is much more kid-oriented than the plot implies.  I really enjoyed the nasty collector and trader of things, Ma-Bob, and Baron Umbra's design is visually stunning as well.  A fun kids' story that proves there can be magic and thrills without the grim and gritty.  [4]