Thursday, July 7, 2022

Trio - John Byrne

Trio - John Byrne [IDW]

A new superhero team from John Byrne.  Come for the art, stay for the... art.  This is old school, '60s era Fantastic Four, but in 2012.  There's a rock guy, a stretchy woman (who talks like that old chauvinist Stan Lee wrote her dialogue) and a man whose arms turn to swords.  They're named One, Two, and Three, but the people call them Rock, Paper, and Scissors.  In the story, a proud fish-man with wings raises an enormous leviathan to attack the city.  Sound familiar?  Then, a gigantic ship arrives and Galactus a giant alien named Kosmos (!) comes to eat the planet's energy steal its water.  It's genuinely comical how slavishly derivative this stuff is of the 1960s FF (there's even a bad guy in armor wearing a green cloak, and he's also a Nazi skull-head).  Dialogue is corny.  Even the sleazeball reporter talks like Stan Lee's histrionic narration box.  But man, can Byrne draw fishermen good.  And I must say, point for diversity in the cast.  [2]