Saturday, December 4, 2010

Graphic novel reviews Y

 Y the Last Man - Brian K. Vaughn

  1. Unmanned - A sudden, unexplained virus kills every male mammal on earth except for unemployed street magician Yorick and his male monkey.  He wants to go to Australia to rejoin his girlfriend, but finds that the remnants of the US government, Israeli forces, and ultra-feminist "Amazons" all have other plans.  Startlingly original and fast-paced adventure.  It's a little preachy, in the Vaughn style, but that can be forgiven.  Read twice.  [4.5] 
  2. Cycles - Yorick and his secret agent protector head to California to a cloning lab, but on the way stay in a small Ohio town populated by ex-prison inmates.  Yorick's brainwashed sister, Hero, is still on their tail, as is an Israeli commando.  The final page has a surprise twist that leaves you wanting to start the next one immediately!  Read twice. [4.5]

Youth - Curt Pires